Here is a list of why I am awesome!
1) The Iliad is on my desk
2) The Odyssey is in my bed
3) Metamorphoses in on my bookshelf
4) I speak an unknown dialect of Texan called "Southern British"
5) I can read French and speak it when I don't think about it
6) I can remember German insults
7) I am going to take Ancient Greek & Latin
8) I am just legit, my friend =)
I think everyone should make a list on why they are awesome, but you probably won't. You think you're cooler than me! So I started on the day with Relief Society meetings. They were short today which was a blessing in disguise. So we came home and cooked a delicious meal for the Bishop and his wife. They are such WONDERFUL people! Our apartment looks amazing, we can't have them think we are slobs. Blaine came over today. He shares my gift of avoidance. But because I have such a gift, I am fully aware when it is being used...and how to avoid it. My roommates, not quite into the subtlety of our ways. I wonder if it's a super power? I don't remember crash landing...or being bit by something radioactive...or just being filthy rich...alas, it is possible I could be an alien...It would explain a lot about me.
9) Possibility that I could be an alien
I mean, my dad can't tell me what he does. And apparently, I don't look like the rest of my family according to Pittman. It is a possibility.
However I did learn something today. It just hit me like a ton of bricks, not a literal ton of bricks because that, my friend, would hurt...a lot...I was hit by a METAPHORICAL ton of bricks. I had to clarify in case any small children (or Tiffany) was reading this...I wouldn't want them to be scared...but then again...scaring small children (and Tiffany) is fun! But it is not worth being hit by a ton of bricks. I mean physics wise, the ton weighs more than me and ma(1)=ma(2).
Ton of bricks X gravity = my little tiny body X ??
You do the math...It isn't pretty in my favor!