Saturday, January 8, 2011

That's Probably Not What They Meant

Today was a wonderful day! I woke up and started my day with Physical Science 100. After my Chemisty 105 class, this should be a breeze. Then after watching a fire tornado, I went to my favorite class...Greek and Roman Literature!! I learned all about King Minos and the creation of Minotaur. "Paegen gods are not omnipotant. They can't change what other gods to. So that is Christ 1 Paegen gods 0" -Bro. Simmons. Following this highly entertaining class, I went to my American Heritage Lab. My TAs name is Sarah Meyers. Then I was done. No more school!! So I went to the Twilight Zone (a campus grocery store) and bought lunch and took the bus home. I enjoyed my lunch with an episode of Veronica Mars. (Oh Logan Echolls, why are you fictional?!) After that I started reading the Iliad. I have great interpretations, you can ask Tiffany. (e.g. GET AWAY FROM MY BOAT SO I CAN HAVE SEX WITH YOUR DAUGHTER!!!) Ah, you gotta love Greek books. Tiffany and I made some Enchiladas for dinner. We watched Friends. (I almost got her addicted to it!) After that Tiffany's cousin Jessica came over and we had a nerdfest. We watched Hana Yori Dango, Devil Beside You, and my Korean/Japanese music videos. (The picture above is Tsukasa Doumiouji from Hana Yori Dango.) I skated out early to check up on Logan Echolls and Veronica Mars. Then I went to bed.

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