Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't You Like Bran Muffins

Have you ever slept with a window open or a fan on and it got really cold at night? So cold you either wanted to close the window or turn off the fan, but you were too cold to do it?! Yep, that's me. A lazy frozen Popsicle. It's a great way to start your day. I didn't wake up in a pleasant mood. But who would!? When their ex-boyfriend always taunts them at night...makes waking up single, well, a nuisance. Don't get me wrong, Tyler is a great guy, Dream-Tyler I would personally like to smack on the side of a head with some small object...perhaps a small rock (by small rock I mean boulder) Well anyways, I did my laundry (I have yet to actually fold it yet...unsurprising) Tiffany is a great soap holder. "It's not that hard to get cookies, you just hold the soap that your roommate needs." After that I ate pizza then tried to watch the BYU vs UNM game, alas, we didn't get it on TV...sad day. Jessica came over and we watched Muffin Films. How can you not like muffins, when they so like you! Then we went to the University Mall. I went into a sport store... I can tell you I didn't belong...some skinny girl who can't even move her dresser! (In my defense it is VERY heavy) Then we came back and drew pictures for Trace and Blaine's apartment door. I wonder how Thomas (their 50-year-old Korean roommate feels about this0.o) Then Kaitlin, Tiffany, Blaine, and myself went to buy food. We went out because we feel that feeding the Bishop and his wife Mac&Cheese would be no very fond. Well, more on that tomorrow. Then we went for ice cream at the creamery. We were going to make cookies, but we will do it tomorrow. Because why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?!

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