Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Muffin Mauvaise"

So I wrote a story on why I should get to pull the fire drill yesterday. And it is as follows

"Today I was eating breakfast and my muffin looked more and more delicious. As I was about to take a bite, the muffin came to life. It said "Deanna, I have been watching you. You have many potential skills that could help save the world." I, being flattered, questioned the muffin on its life. He had grown up on a blueberry farm, but left home during the war of the fruits. He traveled far and long, scrounging for food and "the one of carbon." (who is apparently really cool) So after a not so long questioning, he told me that I was "the carbon one." I was supposed to assist him to bring all the eaten muffins to justice. So I quickly put away my fork and grabbed my backpack and the muffin and headed for the bus. The driver was not as appreciative of the muffin, and told me I could not have it one the bus. So, I walked. I should have known something was up, when we walked we had AC/DC theme music. As we walked through the Wilk, we spotted the Creamery. The muffin told me to rescue all the muffins from their selves. I told the muffin I did not have enough money to buy all the muffins. And since stealing is frowned upon in most societies, I pulled the fire alarm! While everyone was panicking and screaming, the muffin let out an evil sounding laugh, which he swears is just because he had a cold it sounded funny. People were running around, food flying everywhere, I noticed that all the muffins were still there. They were not leaving. I was told because that they don't like coming to life when people are watching. So the truth is, some more muffins are being held captive in Building 24....and well, the muffin says they all should go free, this leaves me no other option.....SAVE THE MUFFINS!!!"

Needless to say, I wasn't even around for the firedrill....but my story was still EPIC! Not an EPIC, because its not in _____ hexameter or whatever it is called.

Today, I only had one class. Book of Mormon! Did I mention how I hate walking to the's always cold...and icy. Well after class I had lunch with Kaitlin, Tiffany, Breanna, and Arienna. Then I came home and watched the latest episode of The Bachelor....Why won't they kick of Michelle!?! WHY!?! Then I took a much needed nap! We had a cleaning check so we cleaned, went to Cafe Rio, and cleaned more. Then Mikayla came to expect our apartment. YAY! We passed! Then I took my Paegan Lit quiz....I was so tempted to make a Jimmer reference but I refrained...

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