Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Is The Shape of Your Orbital

The ides of February are finally OVER!! Woot! So I will try to only have depressing post in the ides. Beware the Ides of February!

So recap of everything. I have finished many books this (school) year e.g
1) The Hunger Games
2) Catching Fire
3) Mockingjay
4) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
5) The Iliad
6) The Odyssey
7) Agamemnon
8) Oedipus the King

So how was my day? The last three days have been beautiful. The weather reminds me of Fall Texas weather. I miss my Lone Star State. Today, I got up, and Tiffany slept in.....very weird....I went to Physical Science. I believe Quantum Mechanics is a myth. It is not useful. No time in my life will there be a need to know the shape of orbitals. Moving on, Classical Civ class. I LOVE this class. Bro. Simmons is so funny. "Oedipus makes you want to go to your wife and ask her how OLD she REALLY is!" Then I went to American Heritage. I find that class awesome. It totally beats APUSH! But, then again, my teacher actually teaches unlike Mr. Brooks ever did. I took my AHtg Exam. 76, BABY!!! WHOOT!!! I am doing so much better this semester than last semester. Perhaps it is my positive outlook and all the self-help books I read. Then I ate lunch. I bought a Reeses. Because nothing says CONGRATS like the beautiful chocolate-peanutbutter mixture. Following that, my beautiful day turned dark and ominous. YOu could no long see the beautiful mountains. They we obstructed by demon clouds that the wind blew in. I went to my PhyS Lab. Wes enjoyed himself by playing Katy Perry songs. Sometimes this class makes me feel like a supergenious! After class, I realized it was going to snow by the time I got out of Biology. Me, being the blond in cognito, I left my coat and umbrella at home. So....I skipped Biology. All I have to do is read the notes online anyways and it will have the same effect. This evening, I accompanied Blaine, Tiifany, and Kaitlin to the CocoaBean for cupcakes and hotchocolate. And it started to snow. SNOW!!!!

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