Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hot Movie Character List

So I did a hot men list....now I am moving on to hot characters.

Captain Kirk
from Star Trek
the only timr I didn't mind being named after Deanna Troi after him being the Captain =D

Indiana Jones

I was practically salivating during the Temple of Doom! C'mon girls, when he's barely wearing a shirt and beating baddies to the ground....that is what we can a man....plus he's just so suave.....I love Indy!!! <3<3<3

from Prince of Persia
I don't usually go for characters with long hair, but this guy....woooooaaaaahhh....yummy =D

Sam Flynn
from Tron: Legacy
good lookin' guy....tight pants....on a motorcycle....why else would you see the movie!?! (The answer is it's AWESOME! In case you didn't know that)


  1. Tron is my favorite. I am glad I saw that with you. I don't think I would appreciate it or like it as much as I would if it hadn't been with you.

  2. I love hot men! I would add to the hot character list Han Solo, for some reason I find his arrogance attractive haha

  3. I agree with tiffany... although anything harrison ford plays should have a spot here :P
