Sunday, November 11, 2012


Tiffany the Toilet Paper: Deanna! You're unattaching to the rest of us!
Deanna the Toilet Paper: I am sure you did it.
Tiffany: .....maybe.....but don't freak out you might die...or worse be used!
Deanna: CRAP! Save me!
(see what I did there!)
So, I reverted back to a normal blog. Hopefully, I will remember to update it...since it is on my computer.
The end of the semester is coming to a close. I cannot believe that it is almost over. It seems just like yesterday I walked into my new apartment! But that may just be due to the fact that I may have some sort of memory loss. I think that every bit of information that does not have to do with world history or Latin is being put in file thirteen. I can just imagine little midgets in my head putting my childhood memories and names of people in a the episode of Spongebob. Glad I got the reference in there now, I may forget it by the end of this post.
I am currently in the very end of my midterms! HALLELUJAH! That just means it is time for finals and end of the year research papers. I should probably start those...or do the reading. Or, just become a plan B career plan when life gets tough.

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