So life has been crazy at the Y! I do not think I have ever studied this much in my life. My brain is full to capacity of mostly worthless knowledge. I am currently reading the complete works of Horace "Epodes" and the "Odes" as well as Herodotus "Histories." I should be reading some Matthias book....but that will be this weekend. I am ready to go home and just chill...for like two days. Two days of no thinking is all I ask. Oh well.
I am counting down the days until I will be seeing the Nickelback/Seether/My Darkest Days concert. I am SOOOOOOO excited!
So Tiffany and I decided that we are hilarious and should have our own TV show. It would be great. I do notice after eleven at night everything we talk about is freaking' hilarious. Last night, we decided we needed we went and got some.....but when we were at the store...we stood there not knowing what we we walked around like lost puppies hoping for someone to just hand us fresh cookies for did not work... It was quite sad.
Work is great. I work e.............ALLI JUST SCARED THE BEJEEBERS OUT OF ME.....the computer just literally flew out of my she is laughing at me in my door way.......If Alli would quit just pulling an Edward and stare at me silently this wouldn't have happened......anyway....I work with great people. I work with Sage, Amanda, and Michael. Michael is a Cardnals fan, so we are "frenemies." I don't like the long hours, but I greatly enjoy getting to interact with BYU.
My sister in law is now an Elementary School teacher at Lamar! HAPPY DANCES!! It's strange, Mrs. Cardwell is my mom...not Niki.
I am sorry to say that there are no boys in my life...I just don't have time for them. Besides, the only boys I need are on my iPod to serenade me while I translate into Latin.
So here is one of the iPod serenaderers. (Yes, I know that serenaderers is not a word). Matt Walst. Lead singer of My Darkest Days. He definitely has a nice smile =D But I mostly added him because he is hot. True story.
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