If Harry were to do this in real life to me, I may actually faint. It would take everything in my power to not act like a crazy 13 year old girl!
So after I hit the realization that I am white and I cannot dance, I got home from work and dressed all cute. This is a daily occurance as a result on having a crush on the Harry Styles look-a-like in my Latin class. So today, I decided to expirament. Will he talk to me if I don't innitiate the conversation?! No...he didn't. Sad day. But like Tim Adams once said "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!"
So Important Notes on Life:
If you are reading The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories" by Leo Tolstoy, the narrartor is a woman.
You can buy Carlie's affection with Peanut Butter Creme Oreos
Louis Tomlinson likes girls who eat carrots
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