Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Too White to Be Michael Jackson

If Harry were to do this in real life to me, I may actually faint. It would take everything in my power to not act like a crazy 13 year old girl!
Happy "Take Me Home" releasement day! I'm sure most of you are like, what in the world is that!?! For all you uncultured people, One Direction's sophomore album was released today! (Hence for one of the reasons for the picture of Harry Styles). So last night, as I was downloading the album from iTunes, our internet stopped working. THE AUDACITY! So, I did stay up to a questionable hour so that I could add it to my iPod for work today. Was it worth it?! YES!!!!! I wish I could dance like Michael Jackson....at least in my head I was to "C'mon C'mon."

So after I hit the realization that I am white and I cannot dance, I got home from work and dressed all cute. This is a daily occurance as a result on having a crush on the Harry Styles look-a-like in my Latin class. So today, I decided to expirament. Will he talk to me if I don't innitiate the conversation?! No...he didn't. Sad day. But like Tim Adams once said "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!"

So Important Notes on Life:

If you are reading The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories" by Leo Tolstoy, the narrartor is a woman.

You can buy Carlie's affection with  Peanut Butter Creme Oreos

Louis Tomlinson likes girls who eat carrots

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