I thought college was supposed to make you smarter! Alas, I find myself creating words like logicament (Deanna-ish for argument) and believe the alphabet does not deserve the letter E. For I apparently think the it goes A,B,C,D,F,G...etc...so for the rest of my post, I will go all Gadsby on you, and for the next paragraph, disown the letter E.
So, I am rally xcitd bcaus tomorrow I do not hav any classs at all! All I hav to do is go to work thn I can com hom and slp. It will be grat! I do howvr hav to study for my Latin midtrm. I don't think that it will b vry hard. Sis. MacFarlan said that the first xam was th hardst. Othr than that, I just nd to rad a bunch of books and writ som rally long paprs about subjcts that nobody cars about. I think now is about tim to bring back the dradd lttr.
WASN'T THAT FUN!?! I feel that was more Lemony Snicket than Ernest Wright. So the other day, I stayed up really late writting a paper on the historian Appian. Let me tell you, it was great. Sonnets will be written about it one day!! And by great, I mean it is completely B worthy...due to the fact that the History Department hates me. I am pretty sure they are plotting my demise like siblings did in Mario Bros 3. Don't get the reference? They would beat the easy levels and leave you to die on the sky levels where the floating pillers (WHY IN THE WORLD WERE PILLARS FLOATING?!?) would fall when jumped on, leaving you to your doom. On a side note, I wonder if literally jumping on my paper before turning it in would have any affect? If I take everyone's paper in class and line them in a row, and jump on them one by one do I get an A? This is something to try.... Also, what if I find a Koopa, jump on it, and aim it at a TA? Will it force a floating A out of them that I can consume to become SUPER DEANNA!?! That would be so cool...Maybe I will get a crown!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Too White to Be Michael Jackson
If Harry were to do this in real life to me, I may actually faint. It would take everything in my power to not act like a crazy 13 year old girl!
So after I hit the realization that I am white and I cannot dance, I got home from work and dressed all cute. This is a daily occurance as a result on having a crush on the Harry Styles look-a-like in my Latin class. So today, I decided to expirament. Will he talk to me if I don't innitiate the conversation?! No...he didn't. Sad day. But like Tim Adams once said "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!"
So Important Notes on Life:
If you are reading The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories" by Leo Tolstoy, the narrartor is a woman.
You can buy Carlie's affection with Peanut Butter Creme Oreos
Louis Tomlinson likes girls who eat carrots
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Tiffany the Toilet Paper: Deanna! You're unattaching to the rest of us!
Deanna the Toilet Paper: I am sure you did it.
Deanna the Toilet Paper: I am sure you did it.
Tiffany: .....maybe.....but don't freak out you might die...or worse be used!
Deanna: CRAP! Save me!
(see what I did there!)
So, I reverted back to a normal blog. Hopefully, I will remember to update it...since it is on my computer.
The end of the semester is coming to a close. I cannot believe that it is almost over. It seems just like yesterday I walked into my new apartment! But that may just be due to the fact that I may have some sort of memory loss. I think that every bit of information that does not have to do with world history or Latin is being put in file thirteen. I can just imagine little midgets in my head putting my childhood memories and names of people in a fire...like the episode of Spongebob. Glad I got the reference in there now, I may forget it by the end of this post.
I am currently in the very end of my midterms! HALLELUJAH! That just means it is time for finals and end of the year research papers. I should probably start those...or do the reading. Or, just become a mime...my plan B career plan when life gets tough.
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