Monday, February 28, 2011

Someone Leave The Oven On, Because It's Hot

Here is a random list of attractive men. I figured it would give Tiffany a reason to come here more often.

Alex Pettyfer

The only reason Tiffany and Jessica saw "I Am Number Four" with me. This picture is for you two.

Chad Michael Murray

He was in "Gilmore Girls," "Cinderella Story," and many other shows. He is awesome.

Chris Pine

Live long and prosper, Chris Pine. Live long....

David Boreanaz

He's a cop AND a vampire. Every girl's dream....not really. But David Boreanaz....the original vampire heartthrob

Gerard Butler

If his looks don't attract you...his accent and his singing sure will! I will never feel sorry for the Phantom...but Gerard could NEVER be at fault...

Jesse McCartney

Men become instantly more attractive if they can sing. Well, guess who can!?! And he writes his own music....talented people...

Nathan Fillion

I made sure to put him in his natural habitat...on Serenity....gosh, I miss Firefly...what an great show

Ryan Reynolds

I wish I could see Tiffany's reaction to this picture....but yes, wow. Ryan. Keep on being Ryan!

Zac Efron

You know he's on every teenager/young adults list. Especially my ClCv teacher's wife. We hope to keep seeing you forever, Zac.

And finally, who is the best looking guy on my list!? I had to find a tame picture as to not destroy your screen with his attractiveness. He sings, he dances, and speaks another language and his name is...

Enrique Iglesias

He can be my Hero anytime

Monday, February 21, 2011

Death to Wet Seal

Today was a great day. I woke up and made breakfast with Kaitlin. Then Tiffany, Kaitlin, and I shared a wonderful morning. Then we went to the University mall. Wet Seal yelled at us for taking pictures....note to you Wet Seal...your stuff is not that are not even designer... it will be a LONG time before I will go to your store again, and FYI, I still have a picture of a jacket =p We continued to Bath and Body Works, great deal! Buy 3 get 3 free =) I am gonna smell awesome from now on. We went to Aeropostale and I got a nice hoodie. Because I can wear it, because I don't go to Greenville High anymore. Then more shopping. We went into Victoria Secret...because we can....and after watching I Am Number Four on Saturday, I needed to do something really feminine. And we ended our shopping with going to a Bridal store and trying on Prom dresses. We learned everything looks good on Tiffany....We caught up with JESSICA and we went back to our apartment. We had pizza for lunch and then walked to the CocoaBean for some Frappes. Yum. We came back and crashed on the couch. For dinner we went to Olive Garden and ate to our hearts content. Followed by a trip to walmart where I finally got a bathrobe! It's fuzzy and warm =) Now we are all basically dead, well except for JESSICA because she left a while ago. She could still be alive....or drooling after Asian men.....

I really should study, but I am EXHAUSTED!!!

Good night world!

Jessica Gledhill Spotlight

Jessica Gledhill is awesome!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Feminine Fairy

Hello my readers. How has life been treating you? Would you like to know something. I almost ate a whole box of Gushers last night. But, I had Tiffany eat a package so I could say that I didn't eat it all.

It is a three day weekend. Wahoo! And I am halfway through the semester. I am one step closer to a very hot summer in Texas. Because according to online, there are only two temperatures in Texas.
1) Hot
I don't think it's THAT hot...but maybe I just have no feelings. I can't feel hot glue anymore, so maybe it is something like that.

I have turned very feminine here at BYU. It's scary....oh how simple life was in high school. Wake up, put on khaki pants and a red polo. Put my hair in a pony tail, then...POOF! I was ready for the day! But the feminine fairy got to me....I actually do my toes are always is no stranger...and everything always has to have earrings....I'm sure all my high school friends are going to be freaking out. Or pretend to not know me....which is a probability...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Is The Shape of Your Orbital

The ides of February are finally OVER!! Woot! So I will try to only have depressing post in the ides. Beware the Ides of February!

So recap of everything. I have finished many books this (school) year e.g
1) The Hunger Games
2) Catching Fire
3) Mockingjay
4) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
5) The Iliad
6) The Odyssey
7) Agamemnon
8) Oedipus the King

So how was my day? The last three days have been beautiful. The weather reminds me of Fall Texas weather. I miss my Lone Star State. Today, I got up, and Tiffany slept in.....very weird....I went to Physical Science. I believe Quantum Mechanics is a myth. It is not useful. No time in my life will there be a need to know the shape of orbitals. Moving on, Classical Civ class. I LOVE this class. Bro. Simmons is so funny. "Oedipus makes you want to go to your wife and ask her how OLD she REALLY is!" Then I went to American Heritage. I find that class awesome. It totally beats APUSH! But, then again, my teacher actually teaches unlike Mr. Brooks ever did. I took my AHtg Exam. 76, BABY!!! WHOOT!!! I am doing so much better this semester than last semester. Perhaps it is my positive outlook and all the self-help books I read. Then I ate lunch. I bought a Reeses. Because nothing says CONGRATS like the beautiful chocolate-peanutbutter mixture. Following that, my beautiful day turned dark and ominous. YOu could no long see the beautiful mountains. They we obstructed by demon clouds that the wind blew in. I went to my PhyS Lab. Wes enjoyed himself by playing Katy Perry songs. Sometimes this class makes me feel like a supergenious! After class, I realized it was going to snow by the time I got out of Biology. Me, being the blond in cognito, I left my coat and umbrella at home. So....I skipped Biology. All I have to do is read the notes online anyways and it will have the same effect. This evening, I accompanied Blaine, Tiifany, and Kaitlin to the CocoaBean for cupcakes and hotchocolate. And it started to snow. SNOW!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Muffin Mauvaise"

So I wrote a story on why I should get to pull the fire drill yesterday. And it is as follows

"Today I was eating breakfast and my muffin looked more and more delicious. As I was about to take a bite, the muffin came to life. It said "Deanna, I have been watching you. You have many potential skills that could help save the world." I, being flattered, questioned the muffin on its life. He had grown up on a blueberry farm, but left home during the war of the fruits. He traveled far and long, scrounging for food and "the one of carbon." (who is apparently really cool) So after a not so long questioning, he told me that I was "the carbon one." I was supposed to assist him to bring all the eaten muffins to justice. So I quickly put away my fork and grabbed my backpack and the muffin and headed for the bus. The driver was not as appreciative of the muffin, and told me I could not have it one the bus. So, I walked. I should have known something was up, when we walked we had AC/DC theme music. As we walked through the Wilk, we spotted the Creamery. The muffin told me to rescue all the muffins from their selves. I told the muffin I did not have enough money to buy all the muffins. And since stealing is frowned upon in most societies, I pulled the fire alarm! While everyone was panicking and screaming, the muffin let out an evil sounding laugh, which he swears is just because he had a cold it sounded funny. People were running around, food flying everywhere, I noticed that all the muffins were still there. They were not leaving. I was told because that they don't like coming to life when people are watching. So the truth is, some more muffins are being held captive in Building 24....and well, the muffin says they all should go free, this leaves me no other option.....SAVE THE MUFFINS!!!"

Needless to say, I wasn't even around for the firedrill....but my story was still EPIC! Not an EPIC, because its not in _____ hexameter or whatever it is called.

Today, I only had one class. Book of Mormon! Did I mention how I hate walking to the's always cold...and icy. Well after class I had lunch with Kaitlin, Tiffany, Breanna, and Arienna. Then I came home and watched the latest episode of The Bachelor....Why won't they kick of Michelle!?! WHY!?! Then I took a much needed nap! We had a cleaning check so we cleaned, went to Cafe Rio, and cleaned more. Then Mikayla came to expect our apartment. YAY! We passed! Then I took my Paegan Lit quiz....I was so tempted to make a Jimmer reference but I refrained...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Victoria's Secret, They're Actually Necklaces

Hello peoples!

I shall start off where I left off yesterday. I went to the Men's Volleyball game. BYU vs UCLA. I used to think volleyball was a feminine is a very masculine sport. Then after WE ( we meaning BYU...I actually wasn't playing...) beat UCLA, it was snowing. Yep. The white stuff. We all came home. Tiffany and Kaitlin wanted pizza, so they got a pizza. Then Wes and Tim come over with bread sticks and then we ate food. We were invited to go see Megamind! One of the greatest movies ever. Tiffany compared me to megamind. So at least I know, I would be a successful villian with AC/DC as my background music. Don't worry I edit it. "WE'RE ON THE HIGHWAY TO ... *CHANGE STATION* *CHANGES BACK* WE'RE ON THE HIGHWAY TO..."

So, we came back. I personally didn't wanna sleep in the theatre...I didn't wanna wake up this morning. I mean, we got back at 2...and the pillow was just oh so fluffy! I cleaned my room, it has a floor! Who knew!?! Then I watched part of the Basketball game. Jimmer has not let me down yet. Then I went to the mall with Jessica and Tiffany. I saw amusing children in the Victoria Secret store. Who let's their kids run rampant in that store? "crazy people" Well I am glad they did, they were a great source of entertainment. Little girls wearing underwear around their necks.

Now I am home, about to read The Odyssey.


I can't avoid reality for too long...

Well I can....

but it would be bad....




Friday, February 4, 2011

"The Hunger Games"

So here I am, slowly freezing to death in my living room...looking up characters on who we would like to play in The Hunger Games movies. I personally think Gerard Butler or Hugh Laurie would make a great Haymitch. But as my freshman High english teacher told me, my opinion is wrong.

So. Here is who I think


Hugh Laurie....because he looks like he's killed people...and he'd be a great drunkard


Alex Pettyfer...because why, he's attractive...and my version of Katniss would love it


Jason Dohring...I mean, he's already got the California beads...he looks like he can swim


Logan Lerman. He looks like he could do some damage, and could be a great protector.


Tiffany Yeates, she is the epitome of Katniss. I don't think she'd mind choosing between Alex and Logan =) If you know her, you'd know why she fits...if only she could kill a spider...or not prance away from spilling water...