Monday, January 31, 2011

Metorphorical Bricks and Aliens

Here is a list of why I am awesome!
1) The Iliad is on my desk
2) The Odyssey is in my bed
3) Metamorphoses in on my bookshelf
4) I speak an unknown dialect of Texan called "Southern British"
5) I can read French and speak it when I don't think about it
6) I can remember German insults
7) I am going to take Ancient Greek & Latin
8) I am just legit, my friend =)

I think everyone should make a list on why they are awesome, but you probably won't. You think you're cooler than me! So I started on the day with Relief Society meetings. They were short today which was a blessing in disguise. So we came home and cooked a delicious meal for the Bishop and his wife. They are such WONDERFUL people! Our apartment looks amazing, we can't have them think we are slobs. Blaine came over today. He shares my gift of avoidance. But because I have such a gift, I am fully aware when it is being used...and how to avoid it. My roommates, not quite into the subtlety of our ways. I wonder if it's a super power? I don't remember crash landing...or being bit by something radioactive...or just being filthy rich...alas, it is possible I could be an alien...It would explain a lot about me.

9) Possibility that I could be an alien

I mean, my dad can't tell me what he does. And apparently, I don't look like the rest of my family according to Pittman. It is a possibility.

However I did learn something today. It just hit me like a ton of bricks, not a literal ton of bricks because that, my friend, would hurt...a lot...I was hit by a METAPHORICAL ton of bricks. I had to clarify in case any small children (or Tiffany) was reading this...I wouldn't want them to be scared...but then again...scaring small children (and Tiffany) is fun! But it is not worth being hit by a ton of bricks. I mean physics wise, the ton weighs more than me and ma(1)=ma(2).
Ton of bricks X gravity = my little tiny body X ??
You do the math...It isn't pretty in my favor!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't You Like Bran Muffins

Have you ever slept with a window open or a fan on and it got really cold at night? So cold you either wanted to close the window or turn off the fan, but you were too cold to do it?! Yep, that's me. A lazy frozen Popsicle. It's a great way to start your day. I didn't wake up in a pleasant mood. But who would!? When their ex-boyfriend always taunts them at night...makes waking up single, well, a nuisance. Don't get me wrong, Tyler is a great guy, Dream-Tyler I would personally like to smack on the side of a head with some small object...perhaps a small rock (by small rock I mean boulder) Well anyways, I did my laundry (I have yet to actually fold it yet...unsurprising) Tiffany is a great soap holder. "It's not that hard to get cookies, you just hold the soap that your roommate needs." After that I ate pizza then tried to watch the BYU vs UNM game, alas, we didn't get it on TV...sad day. Jessica came over and we watched Muffin Films. How can you not like muffins, when they so like you! Then we went to the University Mall. I went into a sport store... I can tell you I didn't belong...some skinny girl who can't even move her dresser! (In my defense it is VERY heavy) Then we came back and drew pictures for Trace and Blaine's apartment door. I wonder how Thomas (their 50-year-old Korean roommate feels about this0.o) Then Kaitlin, Tiffany, Blaine, and myself went to buy food. We went out because we feel that feeding the Bishop and his wife Mac&Cheese would be no very fond. Well, more on that tomorrow. Then we went for ice cream at the creamery. We were going to make cookies, but we will do it tomorrow. Because why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Future Olympic Virtual Jumper

Today I got up at 11. It was great. I got up before Kaitlin, which rarely happens. Tiffany was watching the Terminal when I got up. I got to watch Tom Hanks speak Russian. We all had left over enchiladas for lunch. Yummy! I watched Veronica Mars, but Logan and Veronica keep breaking up and it's I stopped....for the time being. Kaitlin found the secret button that got the XBox to work. Then I tried to set up Wireless internet, however it was a broken router. Plan fail. I went and watched the Devil Beside You. Oh, Ammon, what a great boyfriend you are to Qi Yue. Jessica came over again and we took a trip to....WALMART. Yep. Had to drive all the way to Orem. Oh the horror! Kaitlin got a new router. In walmart we found pillowpets! (It's a pillow, it's a pet. It's a pillow pet!) I went home and Tiffany left with Jessica and Kaitlin went to the movies. I had the whole apartment to myself. I tried out Halo 3. I am really bad at it. But I am an AMAZING jumper. But you know the saying, if first you don't succeed, destroy more aliens! Ok, that really isn't a saying. But all is fair in love and war. Matt came to see the epic Elite XBox. I found that my Wireless adapter is broken, so I need to purchase a new one. After much drowning in Halo, I went to bed.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

That's Probably Not What They Meant

Today was a wonderful day! I woke up and started my day with Physical Science 100. After my Chemisty 105 class, this should be a breeze. Then after watching a fire tornado, I went to my favorite class...Greek and Roman Literature!! I learned all about King Minos and the creation of Minotaur. "Paegen gods are not omnipotant. They can't change what other gods to. So that is Christ 1 Paegen gods 0" -Bro. Simmons. Following this highly entertaining class, I went to my American Heritage Lab. My TAs name is Sarah Meyers. Then I was done. No more school!! So I went to the Twilight Zone (a campus grocery store) and bought lunch and took the bus home. I enjoyed my lunch with an episode of Veronica Mars. (Oh Logan Echolls, why are you fictional?!) After that I started reading the Iliad. I have great interpretations, you can ask Tiffany. (e.g. GET AWAY FROM MY BOAT SO I CAN HAVE SEX WITH YOUR DAUGHTER!!!) Ah, you gotta love Greek books. Tiffany and I made some Enchiladas for dinner. We watched Friends. (I almost got her addicted to it!) After that Tiffany's cousin Jessica came over and we had a nerdfest. We watched Hana Yori Dango, Devil Beside You, and my Korean/Japanese music videos. (The picture above is Tsukasa Doumiouji from Hana Yori Dango.) I skated out early to check up on Logan Echolls and Veronica Mars. Then I went to bed.