Monday, August 22, 2011

Access the Animus

First I am going to talk about how attractive this videogame character is. First, he's Italian, which means he has a sexy accent that makes girls melt! Second, he's just attractive! Even when he's 41!!! The name of this character is Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Assassin's Creed!

This is when he's 41.......

I was going to put what he looked like when he was younger, but I couldn't find any without his hood on. Why does he wear a hood, because he is an Assassin....but a good Assassin. =)

Anyways, back to reality. Time in Texas is slowly ticking away. For my birthday I packed up all my clothes and sent them to Susan so I can pick them up when I am in Provo. So, my lack of clothes, jewelry, shoes, is very disheartening....

On Saturday I went shopping with Rachelle and Sarah at the Town East Mall (Mesquite, Texas). We went on a special mission...the Victora's Secret kind of mission.. haha it was fun. We also tried on skank dresses at Forever 21! And to top it off, we got Strawberry Dacheries from Chilies....yes they were virgin....

But basically I waste all my time writing my paper to the University of Texas and playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I am such a nerd......but I make up for it...hopefully....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer 2011

Games I Have Wasted My Summer On

  • Portal
  • Sims 3
  • Pokemon Ruby
  • Lego Indiana Jones
  • Prince of Persia
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Fable II
  • Assassin's Creed II
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
TV Shows I Have Wasted My Summer On
  • That 70s Show
  • Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Drop Dead Diva
Places I Have Visited In Summer
  • College Station, TX 
    • Texas A&M University
  • Austin, Texas
    • University of Texas
  • New Braunfels, Texas
    • Schlitterbahn
    • Gruene
  • Pfluggerville
    • To steal Tiffany's "boyfriend"....just kidding, you drive through it to get to Austin and New Braunfels

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hot Movie Character List

So I did a hot men I am moving on to hot characters.

Captain Kirk
from Star Trek
the only timr I didn't mind being named after Deanna Troi after him being the Captain =D

Indiana Jones

I was practically salivating during the Temple of Doom! C'mon girls, when he's barely wearing a shirt and beating baddies to the ground....that is what we can a he's just so suave.....I love Indy!!! <3<3<3

from Prince of Persia
I don't usually go for characters with long hair, but this guy....woooooaaaaahhh....yummy =D

Sam Flynn
from Tron: Legacy
good lookin' guy....tight pants....on a motorcycle....why else would you see the movie!?! (The answer is it's AWESOME! In case you didn't know that)