Thursday, December 6, 2012

Throwing Dates to Birds Instead of Bread

(Closest thing I've got until cute guy in my Latin class finally asks me out)
Have you felt like a lame duck? I am not talking about a duck that makes bad jokes, I am talking about the type of duck that accidentally was walking through a mafia war zone and stepped on a land mine and was crippled for life! You have?! You must be a BYU student!
So currently, my semester at BYU is coming to an end. It hasn't been too bad, but my finals are going to be very difficult. So, I am currently pretending that they don't exist. By pretending they don't exist, I mean...slowly realizing that I am a stupid idiot. I mean, c'mon...everybody knows that if you don't know about Russian serfdom that you are nothing. How can I get anything accomplished? One day, I will be in a job interview, and the employer will look me directly in the eye and say "tell me about reforms of Alexander II and the job and million dollars are yours." I will just be sitting there thinking....Alex....Alex....Alex Pettifer? No not him, he's Australian. "TIMES TICKING, MS. CARDWELL" Alexander the's really "FAIL! I am going to give this job to that duck over there who stepped on a mafia land mine." Then I will skulk out of the office and probably sit on a park bench where I will live the rest of my life until I become that old lady who yells at pidgeons for getting too close to the bench.
So, I must study. It's inevitable. I don't like pigeons....or pidgeons....or birds in general.