Friday, October 28, 2011

Music By Dead People

I am sorry in my lack of blog posting.....I have absolutely NO life....except....recently (Tuesday) I went to a 3 Doors Down concert with Tiffany and Melissa (my other roommate). It was great! But more importantly, THEORY OF A DEADMAN were there....That's why I went. Yep, I went for the opening act. In case this is news to you, I LOVE THEORY OF A DEADMAN. Due to the heavy guitars, I usually don't mention it in the Cardwell household.  Now a lot of you are probably like "Who in the world are Theory of a Deadman?" which wouldn't surprise me. They are not very popular. The only song I have ever heard on the radio is "Not Meant to Be." Anyways, I will place a song at the very end of my blog. It will be legit. I am not sure which one I am going to put though...So I will keep thinking about it as I type.

Life has been hectic for me. Papers are coming at me like a zombie to brains. Work is horrid. They make me carry really heavy boxes and send me out in the cold. There have been many times I just wanted to just pull out a white flag and wave it around. "OK COUGAR EAT!  YOU WIN!!!" By the way, I am the only one who does this. ONLY ONE! That's why I changed my name from "Floater" to "Slave" on Facebook.

So Tiffany perfectly explains what it's like to be at BYU by saying that it's like BYU is grabbing your head and pushing you under water. You feel like you are drowning and you can't do anything about it. Weekends they just let you up for air for a second before you they put you back in for the plunge. So with this in mind, I picked the song "Head Above Water" by Theory of a Deadman
P.S. Let me know if I converted you to a fan =)