Sunday, March 20, 2011

RIP Issac Newton

I woke up with great intentions todays. My plan
10:00-12:00 Physical Science Forum
12:00-2:00 American Heritage Review
2:00-2:45 Lunch
3:15-4:00 Work on my "Nature Experience"

It sounds like a legit schedule. However, I woke up and couldn't get it out of my head that it was Saturday. I shouldn't have to do school work on Saturday. So I slept in and skipped the optional Physical Science Forum. Then me, forgetting it was a Saturday, missed the bus to campus by a half hour (it usually comes every half hour but on saturdays only once an hour) so I thought I would work on my nature experience at the Provo River until the next bus. However it was windy and my measurements were blowing away...forcing me to miss the next bus as well. So I went to the CocoaBean to melt my sorrows with a Vanilla Hot Chocolate and a Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cupcake. So, I came home caught up on The Bachelor, Bones, Glee, Modern Family, and many more. Then we watched the BYU vs. Gonzaga game. We DOMINATED. SWEET 16 BABY!!! Then I dolled myself up and went to the Wyview/Heritage Invitational Dance. This was the first time I saw Sarah Burchett all year....and we live less then a mile away....I saw her more when we lived an hour and a half away in Melissa. But the dance was amazing. Tom and Daniel tried to sneak in wearing jeans, but they got kicked out. So Tiffany and I sneakily brought them ice cream. Of course, I gave mine to Daniel, because Tom is always so mean to me and calls me "Slave Master". My feet are killing me still, an hour after the dance! Whoever decided women should wear heels are on my list, right behind Isaac Newton, because I'm still bitter to Physics.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So last night I had a strange dream. Last night I dreamt I was talking to Tyler and Austin (high school friends) until Tyler confessed something. He was in love with Ariena Van Way. I was confused, due to the fact the two of them never met before. In the dream, I was talking to Tyler, he told me he stole her phone number from my phone and started to talk to her, and he instantly fell in love. So, I talked to dream Ariena and I asked her if she knew a Tyler King and her response is, "well, he was stalking me, but he's now my boyfriend." I continued to ask her if she met him and her response was "No. But we are in love!"

Weird. I know. I woke up laughing! Well, i felt inspired to share.

So Ariena, if you are reading this, you now have a boyfriend.